I listed the platform of the NEA so that the readers of this post could verify that the NEA’s agenda has absolutely nothing to do with making sure our students receive the best education possible. It is my goal to, essay by essay, inform the reader the history of government education in this country. It will become clear just how we arrived at the point where the educational process is an obscenely expensive and fraudulent process of indoctrination. The children are being manipulated to change their values, beliefs and values.
The National Education Association was founded in 1857. A group of people decided that America needed to have a system of “public education.” The idea was imported from Prussia. The monarchy there established state owned and controlled schools requiring all children attend. The purpose of these compulsory schools was for political and social purposes.
The Prussian compulsory system had a uniform curriculum, truant officers, state trained teachers graded classes. The Prussians believed you could not control education without controlling the teachers and of course they were right on target.
At the time the NEA started pushing their ideas of a Prussian style mandatory educational system, the United States had the most educated and literate population in the world. Most of the schools at the time were operated by charities, churches, individuals and the towns. We all vividly remember “Little House on the Prairie” where the children went to a one room school. All grades were taught and the one teacher was a young woman or man that was paid by the community. There were also private schools. Our founders, many of them still in their twenties, were primarily home schooled. Many of them could read Greek and Latin. They were all students of world history.
Early in the 1800’s the Boston Unitarians followed a socialist by the name of Robert Owen. He believed, and they believed, that you could mold a person’s character by establishing a system of government schools that would require all children to attend these schools. They believed this would create a so-called benevolent (socialist) population. Owen came to America and lectured on the benefits of socialism and government education. His ideas were well received at Harvard and by some academicians. Most of these Harvardites were Unitarians. They were believers of “social justice” as a way to wipe out evil. Does that phrase sound familiar today? It should because it has been the liberal philosophy for many years. Liberals believe that they can change people by telling them what to think.
In the following years a small group of socialists pushed for the government to operate public schools for all. The idea was to indoctrinate and train kind and good little socialists and remove free enterprise and any scent of capitalism from this country. As is often the case in other areas, a very small group of free thinking socialists forced the majority to accept public/government education in America. At the time most of the people were happy with their schools and saw no reason to change into a government controlled system of education.
Along the way a feminist by the name of Frances Wright added her two cents to the caldron, John Holbrook and the Unitarians pushed for their way. The socialists were not religious and since many schools were established by churches, they fought the religious people. The socialists were involved in psychology and phrenology and these ideas impacted many educators in the 1800’s including Horace Mann.
Horace Mann was appointed as the first leader of the Massachusetts Board of Education in 1837. He hated the Calvinists and other religious people and he knew how to divide them. He succeeded and established the first state normal school which was a state owned and controlled teacher’s college. To him this was a symbol of the triumph of statism. By 1845 these “normal” schools were called State Normal Schools.
It is a fact that a “state educational system” can and will infect every aspect of society. People can be mass molded to the thinking and beliefs that are demanded by the state. Common Core is a perfect example of this philosophy. It is just the most recent name to a long line of “curriculum” steps produced by people in charge of our country.

I hope a lot of people read this,site,