Friday, September 27, 2013

The NEA Controls Education in the United States

The left does control our government schools.   In fact, many private schools are under the control of the left because of the content of textbooks and federal and state funding.    Most of the grants that are available to schools are tied to specific curriculum and programs.

The NEA has priorities that are far different than those that most parents would consider important.   Their platform list that I published does not favor academics.    In fact the NEA has priorities that are in line with the president, his appointees and the Department of Education.   The NEA and the Department of Education do work together as a unit.   The leadership of the NEA wields power far beyond what anyone could imagine.

John Dewey, who is considered to be the father of public education in America said, “You can’t make Socialists out of individualists –children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.” 

The NEA is the most powerful political action group in the country.   They have plenty of money that they receive from forced union dues.   They give over 98% of their campaign contributions to leftist candidates.

Every school district has to negotiate with the union.    The union contracts determine everything that happens in the government schools.    The union representatives are given a full salary and guaranteed time to spend working for the union.  The contract says that they have to be given space to hold meetings and a board to post union activities.  Most districts have both male and female representatives. 
When the new contracts are “negotiated” the school board members are not allowed to participate.   They “may” sit in the meetings, but must remain mute.    Expensive lawyers sit in for both sides.   The NEA/OEA state negotiator is the main speaker at these meetings.

The local union representatives take paid time off to perform their duties for the union.  This forces the district to hire substitute teachers to teach the union leader's classes.    All of this is a huge burden on the taxpayers and the budget.   Exorbitant costs are not a factor in the school business.

The union always gets everything they really want.   The union is negotiating these same “wants” all over the state and the nation.   They have taken total control of education in this country.    The media never reports the real original wish list.   They usually report that the union made “concessions.”   All of the statements are written by the union to make it look like everything was agreed to in harmony after they “hammered out” the new contract.  Of course the superintendent says that it is “a good contract.”

The state “negotiator” is comparable to Jimmy Hoffa – even better.    I sat in a negotiation meeting with an OEA female arbitrator.   Whatever she said happened.   It was comparable to a movie version of a MAFIA meeting.   I was in awe that everyone at the table just allowed her to run the meeting. 

The superintendent caved to her every demand. Naturally, whatever the teachers received, he received more.    The lawyers were worthless.  They made very few comments.   I had the feeling that they would all leave and have dinner and drinks together with the tab on the district taxpayers.

All superintendents are former teachers thus former union members.   They are chosen because they are able to get levies passed.   Those levies serve to enrich the union.    Most districts spend approximately 85% of the "General Fund" for benefits and salaries.    This total can be disguised with “creative accounting methods.”  The fact is that the union knows more about the funds available than the superintendent or the treasurer.    I was told that the state union representative knew more about the district's funds than the treasurer.    She knew to the penny the district’s financial status.  They keep these statistics at OEA headquarters in Columbus.   I'm sure they have a crack team of accountants keeping up with these numbers. 

Most board members do not have a clue as to the finances of the districts.   A treasurer told me that his board requested all of the financial reports to be given to them with graphs.   They just wanted to know if the district had enough money to “pay the bills.”    Most board members think of their position as a stepping stone to a higher elective office.   The pay that they receive is determined by the state code.   The state code says that all board meetings are to be announced.    Most districts keep the time and date pretty obscure.   You really have to dig to find “Special Meeting” times and places.   They also have “Executive Sessions” which are secret meetings and are whispered.

With these essays I am going to discuss the history of government schools and why they are so evil.  I will detail how the system has changed the attitudes, values and beliefs of our children for several generations.   I pray that it is not too late for us to save our nation from accepting communism as a way of life. 
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