Agenda 21 is one
name for the agenda to create a one world communist government. Most Americans would never want to
sacrifice their liberty to take part in this scheme. The groundwork for slowly changing the
minds of our citizens was laid many years ago by the signers of “Humanist
Manifesto I.” John Dewey is considered
to be the father of modern education. He
signed Humanist Manifesto I.
Humanists believe in “One World
Government.” They do not believe in
patriotism. They believe in evolution and will fight
Christians to prevent Creation to be taught in any school. They believe in total sexual freedom to do as
one pleases, all perversions are okay.
This attitude is taught in most sex education classes. Humanists believe
that adultery, pre-marital sex, homosexuality, abortion on demand, suicide,
euthanasia, drugs and other perversions are normal. They do not respect the family unit or
marriage. All of these ideas are being
taught under the title “Values Clarification”, “Quest” and various other names.
(They do change the names to keep the
people guessing.) Sex education, their
way, is taught K – 12. They have slowly
changed the values taught by the church and family. What the parent thinks does not matter.
Humanists do not believe in God
or in the Ten Commandments. There is no
right or wrong. You get to decide even
when you are in kindergarten. The credo
of Humanism has been worked into every subject. This indoctrination has been going on in our
government schools for many years. Even
when people objected to certain sexually graphic or anti-American books or to
explicit sexual information being discussed, they were called “book burners”
and shouted down by the militant teachers.
The “change” has
happened to our society. Manners are a
thing of the past, abortion is on demand, condoms are passed out to kids,
openly homosexual philosophy is taught in the schools, morality is outdated,
religion is made fun of, parents and grandparent’s views are stupid and
objectionable. This philosophy has been
worked into every course. In this way
the children have been weaned into the philosophy of the Humanists. Their attitudes and values have been
gradually changed. Students have been given a new set of values. For 13 years their values have been changed
by the “change agents” called teachers or facilitators in the government
While the values were being
changed the students were being “dumbed down.”
Time for math, science, history, spelling, writing and other core
subjects is limited. Homework was
thought to be abusive to the children. Spelling
and punctuation isn’t necessary. Today few schools have time to teach cursive
The reason they destroyed our
culture through our children is very clear today. Let me quote the Twelfth Principle of
Humanist Manifesto II:
“We deplore the division of
humankind on nationalistic grounds. We
have reached a turning point in human history where the best option is to
transcend the limits of national sovereignty and to move toward the building of
a world community in which all sectors of the human family can
participate. Thus we look to the
development os a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational
federal government. This would appreciate
cultural pluralism and diversity. It
would not exclude pride in national origins and accomplishments nor the
handling of regional problems on a regional basis. Human progress, however, can no longer be
achieved by focusing on one section of the world. Western or Eastern, developed or
underdeveloped, for the first time in human history, no part of humankind can
be isolated from any other. Each
person’s future is in some way linked to all.
Thus reaffirm a commitment to the building of world community, at the
same time recognizing that this commits us to some hard choices.”
The signers are in found at the
highest levels of government, business and academia. These people think that they know what is
best for everyone in the world. In
order to succeed in their plan they have to destroy America as we know it. I
would judge them to be true narcissists with megalomania to boot.

Wow, that video says it ALL. We need to get this blog post and video out to everyone we know. Many people think all the talk about dumbing down and Agenda 21 are just a conspiracy. Well, unfortunately, it's real and it's scary. The best way to combat this systematic removal of our rights is to EDUCATE EVERYONE. Pass the word, don't fall prey to the lies. Thank you for getting this information out there. I will be sending this to all my family and friends.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I did some homework on humanists. They are like the worst of the libs and atheiests. Some of the sites I visited were rough and raw to say the least. When you're rudderless from God and so very angry because of it, as it seems to me, why bother?
ReplyDeleteHateful bunch, and determined. Guess they need something to get their hands dirty in and of course, shove their beliefs down the throat of anyone who differs. AG21 is perfect for them. Til it's not.
Wow! I hope all the GOD fearing people get a chance to read this. To think that I fought a war 40 years ago for the US of A and now have the battle field brought here, by my so called leaders, makes me sick. Lucky we have enough Veterans willing to do it all over again here for our freedom.