Tuesday, October 15, 2013


The early years of the NEA were controlled by a few godless elitists that felt that they knew what was conducive to establishing a society that they could mold for the benefit of all.    Of course, the higher echelon would not live under the same circumstances as the “worker bees.”

The paganism has reared its ugly head openly and blatantly in the past week.   I posted articles on “bestiality” and pedophilia that is now openly discussed in the school venue.   These topics are accepted by many of the people that run our nation.    Some very evil people are in high and powerful positions.   They believe that there is no right or wrong.  You get to choose no matter how old you are or how inexperienced and uninformed you are.

Let’s now continue the history of the NEA.   In 1857 the NEA set up its first organizational meeting.   In 1893 the president of a normal school in Winona, Minnesota, resigned that position and became the first paid secretary of the NEA.   At that time twelve states had representatives and these were usually the state superintendent of schools.

By 1918 the NEA had 10,000 members, but by 1922 the membership had reached 118,000.    The organization grew through the years so that by 1956 there were over 600,000 members.

There were many publishers, school suppliers, superintendents and principals that benefited from the NEA.   Classroom teachers did not see any benefits during those early years.

Soon, 1917, the leaders decided to move to a headquarters in Washington, D.C.  They decided to expand and create many departments that would address every conceivable interest in education.  The Department of Special Education, The Department of Normal Schools, The Department of School Superintendence,   The Department of Elementary Education, The Department of Kindergarten Instruction, Music, Technical Education etc.

They also created a “special” leadership council.  Some of these members were John Dewey, Nicholas Murray Butler, W. T. Harris, G. Stanley Hall, Josiah Royce, Charles W. Eliot, and James Earl Russell.  These leaders were setting the stage for education as we know it today.

These leaders believed that they could produce a perfect curriculum that would produce perfect people.   They believed in science, laboratories and Darwinism.   In the minds of these leaders, evolution was the panacea for all of the problems of humankind.  They believed that man had evolved from a common animal ancestry.     This belief was the break with Christianity that they were hoping to push in “their” new curriculum.

They linked Darwin’s theory that man evolved from apes with the dialectical materialism of the Marxists.  Thus, man’s physical evolution with his social evolution was now linked.   This evolution was then linked with the new science of psychiatry which was taking place in Germany. 

Horace Mann, Calvin Stowe and others flocked to Germany and brought back the Prussian system.   Michigan adopted the plan and it was headed at the University of Michigan.  In the late 1880’s over 2000 American teachers flocked to Germany and came back believing that Germany had the answers to American problems.

They and other leaders of the movement became intensely involved in psychology, especially child psychology.   Columbia University became a leader in that field.  The new study of psychology became the moving force in the way American children would be taught.   Many children became experimental “lab rats” for these movers and shakers of the NEA.   If you read lesson plans of how children are taught today you will understand some of the “phrases” that children repeat to you at home.  

****Dialectical Psychology for the Mentally Ill
This is the action of describing the facts, and not thinking about what’s “good” or “bad”, “fair”, or “unfair.” These are judgments because this is how you feel about the situation but isn’t a factual description. Being non-judgmental helps to get your point across in an effective manner without adding a judgment that someone else might disagree with.

This is used to focus on one thing. One-mindfully is helpful in keeping your mind from straying into emotion mind by a lack of focus.


This is simply doing what works. It is a very broad-ranged skill and can be applied to any other skill to aid in being successful with said skill. 
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