To understand the domination of certain elitists in the
early days of the NEA, one must understand the basis of their belief system.
These men were statists and secularists. Statism (or collectivism) is a belief that
the people in power know best how to rule the citizens. They believe that “they” know what is best
for the group. They think that they
have the right to force, coerce, enslave, rob, and even murder others. The end justifies the means. The ultimate result of all statist doctrines
is the same; dictatorship and destruction.
The rest is only a matter of time.
Ayn Rand’s quote would be, “A statist system – whether of a
communist, fascist, Nazi, socialist or “welfare” type – is based on the
government’s unlimited power, which means: on the rule of brute force. The differences among statist systems are
only a matter of time and degree; the principle is the same. Under statism, the government is not a
policeman, but a legalized criminal that holds the power to use physical force
in any manner and for any purpose it pleases against legally disarmed, defenseless
“Nothing can ever justify so monstrously evil a theory. Nothing can justify the horror, the
brutality, the plunder, the destruction, the starvation, the, the slave-labor
camps, the torture chambers, and the wholesale slaughter of statist
A secularist does not believe in God or in any form of
religion. They make the rules as they
deem necessary. As you can judge for
yourself, today's schools have implemented the total secular system of
The Ten Commandments,
Christmas, Easter, “In God We Trust” are all deemed illegal. There is no right and no wrong. The rules are those that the statists judge
to be necessary or un-necessary, as the case may be.
Remember that the first schools in this nation were established for
religious reasons. Christians needed to
read the Bible and so everyone needed to be taught how to read. Most of the people had immigrated to America
for religious reasons. They wanted to be
free to worship God as they pleased.
Most of the people were taught in small rural schools or at home. Often a parent would teach her neighbor’s
children along with their own.
secularists/statists were determined to destroy religion in this country.
Statism required that the parents give up their rights in
favor of the “greater good” of the community or state. The parents had to be convinced that by
giving up their freedom it would be for the good of the community and for the
country as a whole.
Add to statism and secularism the Hegelian philosophy. The Hegelian’s believed that God and man were
equal. They deified man. This is contrary to the founders who believed
that we were given our rights from God.
In 1875, the president of the NEA, William Torrey Harris,
declared himself to be a Hegelian. He
was appointed United States Commissioner of Education in 1889. During his tenure kindergarten was
introduced and the expansion of “public education” was believed to be the right
of the state to compel children to submit to the State for the benefit of the
The NEA and the elitists who belonged to that organization,
believed in the rigid Prussian system of education. The Hegelian professors and scientists in the German universities prepared the way for the paganism that engulfed Germany. Adolf Hitler, with his pagan symbolism,
demented racism, and barbarism is believed to be the price of German statism.

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