Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mark Up One for Our Side - Moms Win a Battle

The following article comes from the Greenon, Ohio Eagle newspaper.   It is an article covering a judgement in favor of my friend Angie Auckerman.    Angie and her friends were fighting a levy put on by the Greenon School District.  Her child, a student in the district,  was unjustifiably brought into the situation.   Angie and her friends were sued by two attorneys for stating their opinions.   Angie is a mom and housewife.   She really doesn't have the money to fight two big-time attorneys,  but she stood her ground and won.

She would probably lose in Warren County.  We had a mom here that was banned from a school board meeting and the district took the case to the Ohio Supreme Court where the district lost.   The district won in Warren County, but lost in the Twelfth District Court of Appeals.   The LCSD took the case to the Ohio Supreme Court.  Of course they used our money to do so.

Thank God there are attorneys like Chris Finney and Greg Hartman who believe that the schools have gone too far in intimidating parents and taxpayers.

We have to fight for freedom.   We cannot allow the abusers to keep tramping on us.   The fight begins at the schoolhouse door.   God bless Angie and her friends for fighting the good fight.   Patriots come in all sizes and from all places.   

"No Votes" Prevail in Defamation Case PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kathy Voytko   
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 00:00
Nearly a year after receiving court paperwork regarding a lawsuit filed against them for comments made on social media pages, Cindy Barton, Angela Auckerman and Rita “Joyce” Gilliam have received a ruling in their favor from the Clark County Common Pleas Court.
In the complaint filed by Attorney Mark Bamberger on behalf of John J. Pritchard, a “United States Air Force civilian attorney” working at Wright Patterson and John T. Edwards a “solo practicing attorney” with his principal place of business in Enon, Bamberger claimed defamation and interference with business relationship for his clients in regards to “posts” made on two Facebook pages that appeared during the campaign for funding new schools for Greenon Local.

In June of 2012 Pritchard was serving as the chair of the Citizens for Quality Education in support of the school levy.  Edwards was at the time a volunteer for the Greenon Athletic Boosters and also a supporter of the levy.  Over the months leading up to the filing of the suit on November 5, 2012, one day prior to the election, Auckerman and Barton were “banned” from posting on the social media site administered by Pritchard  for comments he regarded as “unacceptable.”       Auckerman,  Barton and Gilliam (who is from Waverly, Ohio) had posted comments on a “Vote No” page created and administered by Auckerman and Barton.  In the court filing, Bamberger provided a “post” dated October 15, 2012  made by Greenon Local School Board member Mark Remmetter on the “No” page regarding a shirt used in a Halloween display on the Auckerman property.  Other “likes” and comments made regarding this and other posts on the page were also included in the filing.

After months of court filings from both sides, Judge Richard J. O’Neill ruled in favor of Auckerman, Barton and Gilliam.  Using the various “posts” provided in the court filing, Judge O’Neill found that Auckerman is “immune for statements made by Barton and Gilliam.”  Statements made by Auckerman were found to “fall within the realm of protected political speech.”  Judge O’Neill also found that Auckerman’s comments fell into one of two categories: “an expression of opinion or a true statement” and concluded that “none of Auckerman’s statements are actionable as defamation.”

In the instance of Joyce Gilliam, Judge O’Neill found that her comments were “primarily statements of opinion.” The judge further noted that none of Gilliam’s statements “constitute defamation of either of the plaintiffs,” sustaining her Motion to Dismiss.

Barton was also found to be “immune” for statements made by Gilliam or Auckerman.  Her comments were found to be “political speech and constitutionally protected opinion speech” according to the court documents.  The judge “concluded Ms. Barton’s statements are her opinion and are constitutionally protected and that there is no evidence on the record to support showing of actual malice.”
Pritchard and Edwards had asked the court for damages in “excess” of $100,000 in the original filing of the lawsuit.  In the months prior to judgment, they “dismissed” their “Tortuous Interference with Business Relations claim” in which they claimed the women had “irreparably damaged their standing in the community, their standing in the legal community and their business.”  The claim of “ Defamation Per Se” was considered in the judge’s ruling.   Judge O’Neill’s findings favored Auckerman, Gilliam and Barton, therefore no damages were awarded.
Attorneys for the women and the Auckerman and Barton families declined to comment, as court records indicate that additional motions have been filed by them related to fees and costs associated with the case.  Both sides are awaiting a decision that is still pending with the courts.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Think Like a Nazi - Common Core Curriculum Coming to Your Town

Is anything sacred?   Is anything out of line?   Can teachers say and do anything they please?   Who will draw the line?    I believe that students can be challenged with decent ideas that are culturally acceptable.   Since when do our children have to be inundated with evil?    Albany superintendent,  Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard says the assignment could have been worded differently.   Just how would she word an anti-Semitic assignment?   I don't believe there is a decent way to word this assignment.   Would she allow a racially biased assignment?   Say the feelings and "inspired" hatred of the KKK.   I would say that the teacher and the superintendent both would be fired over that assignment.

Personally, I don't want my children writing any evil propaganda.  I believe some of the recent killings in the schools just may be inspired by assignments like these.

You do reap what you sow.

Think like a Nazi, the assignment required students. Argue why Jews are evil.

Students in some Albany High School English classes were asked this week as part of a persuasive writing assignment to make an abhorrent argument: "You must argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!"

Students were asked to watch and read Nazi propaganda, then pretend their teacher was a Nazi government official who needed to be convinced of their loyalty. In five paragraphs, they were required to prove that Jews were the source of Germany's problems.

The exercise was intended to challenge students to formulate a persuasive argument and was given to three classes, Albany Superintendent Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard said. She said the assignment should have been worded differently
"I would apologize to our families," she said. "I don't believe there was malice or intent to cause any insensitivities to our families of Jewish faith."

One-third of the students refused to complete the assignment, she said.

Vanden Wyngaard said the exercise reflects the type of writing expected of students under the new Common Core curriculum, the tough new academic standards that require more sophisticated writing. Such assignments attempt to connect English with history and social studies.

She said she understood the academic intent of the assignment — to make an argument based only on limited information at hand. Still, she acknowledged that it was worded in a very offensive manner. She did not identify the English teacher or discuss whether the educator faced any discipline.

Students were asked to make a rhetorical argument, drawing on previous lessons in crafting an opinion.
To help with their writing, they were required to incorporate the elements of an argument identified by Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher. Students had to look up the definitions of "Logos" (persuasion by reasoning), "Pathos" (persuasion by emotional appeal) and "Ethos" (persuasion by the author's character) and choose one of those argument styles before writing.

Other ill-considered teacher assignments have made national news this year.

In February, a Manhattan teacher caused an uproar after fourth-graders were given a math problem based on how many daily whippings a slave received.

In January, Georgia educators attempted to teach division to elementary school students by asking how many beatings per day former slave and abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass received.

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Common Core is the Union Label - Even in the Fourth-Grade

Public school teacher: Why is my daughter’s fourth-grade class studying pro-union, Common Core material?

By Steve Gunn
MUSKEGON, Mich. – It’s time for the question to be asked out loud: Are the new Common Core math and English standards a masked attempt by the education establishment to indoctrinate K-12 students in left-wing political philosophy?

solidarity crop

Three times in the past few weeks we’ve come across Common Core-aligned lesson plans – supposedly for reading and vocabulary – that incorporate stories supportive of organized labor. And these are lessons for elementary children, who traditionally aren’t exposed to political instruction, simply because they’re too young.

But the people who shaped the Common Core standards obviously don’t believe that. They’re serving up big doses of radical political philosophy in seemingly innocent vocabulary lessons.
The latest example comes from Andrew Buikema, a high school band instructor for Grant Public Schools in western Michigan. His fourth-grade daughter attends Mona Shores Public Schools in nearby Muskegon, and last week she was given a vocabulary lesson published by McGraw-Hill which read like a manifesto from the AFL-CIO.

It refers to a young Mexican girl lying in bed, listening to adults talk in the next room. Here’s an excerpt:
“Teresa did not understand everything she heard. If the adults had been talking in English she would have understood even less. But, like her family, they had come across the border to live in the United States. They all came in search of opportunities for work in the United States. Many of them spoke very little English, so they spoke to each other in Spanish. They were talking about something called a union. Teresa was not sure what unions were, but she knew that a union could make their lives better. She had heard workers in the field talk about how a union could help them.”

Buikema was upset that his small daughter was exposed to such a blatant political lesson, particularly one so skewed to a particular point of view.

“I found out about it last Friday, but I didn’t get a chance to read it until Saturday,” Buikema said. “My friend whose son is in the same class took a picture of it and sent it to me. I read it and just said ‘You’ve got to be kidding.’”

Buikema emailed his daughter’s teacher several times over the weekend. He said the teacher was receptive to his complaints and suggested a meeting, which he intends to schedule.

“I wanted to know how this aligns with the reading curriculum and who approved it,” Buikema said. “The teacher was super receptive. I don’t know whether she had a choice of whether to teach it or not.”

In one email to the teacher, he asked when the other side of the union debate was going to be addressed in class. After all, not everyone agrees with the goals and tactics of organized labor.

“I honestly don’t remember talking about this kind of stuff until high school,” Buikema said. “But if you’re going to present it to small children, present both sides. We’re always teaching our kids that there are two sides to every story. So the kids in that class should also be exposed to the entrepreneurial, business point of view.”

Common Core is an opportunity for radicals

EAGnews has published two prior stories in recent weeks about similar Common Core-aligned lesson plans for young children.

One book recommended for third graders is “Si Se Puede/Yes We Can!” the story of a 1985 janitors strike in Los Angeles. The pro-labor lesson is to help students answer the question “How can we work together as a community to stand up for our rights?”

Since when is “standing up for our rights” part of any public school’s approved curriculum?

We also came across a lesson plan calling for second graders to read the book “Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez” – which is, of course, the story of the man who organized union farm workers.
After the kids read the book, they are asked to list the living conditions of farm workers on one side and the land owners on the opposite.

Then the teachers are instructed to tell students: “Fairness and equality exist when the scales are balanced,” and then to ask students “Do you think the two sides are even?”

This pattern is too obvious to ignore.

None of this should come as too much of a surprise. Our nation’s two leading teachers unions are extremely liberal and politically active. Many of their leaders have talked openly about teachers using their influence in the classroom to indoctrinate small children into the trade union school of thought – as if that’s what they’re being paid for.

“The long period of self-censorship among educators regarding class and labor issues may no longer hold,” read one excerpt from a book titled Organizing the Curriculum. “We cannot claim to be teaching for social justice if we ignore the class warfare being waged all around us … Bringing labor into the arena of K-12 education will undoubtedly meet political resistance, but an increasing number of educators are motivated to take up the challenge.”

Then there’s this from the Educational and Labor Collaborative at Adelphi University:

“Imagine how much easier and effective the work of unionists would be if a generation of children of working families graduated from high school with an understanding of their right and duty to be heard, the power of joining together in a common cause.

“Educators, in collaboration with unionists, can break the cycle of reproducing the economic structure through schooling, and change the cultural climate that denigrates poor and working families.”

It looks as though Common Core may have been the opportunity these people have been waiting for.
There’s no doubt that radical educators and their supporters had a great deal of influence over the development of Common Core standards.

Dr. Duke Pesta of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh told EAGnews that various Common Core committees came up with approved reading lists that consist largely of left wing political propaganda.
Since most new textbooks and lesson plans published in the U.S. will be Common Core-aligned, the publishing companies are simply incorporating sections from the approved list of texts.

And since Common Core forces schools to educate students in new ways with a new curriculum, desperate teachers and school leaders are grabbing on to any resources that are aligned with the new standards.
Thus fourth graders are being taught the virtues of organized labor.

“Yes assignments like this are increasingly the norm, not the exception, nor can you find one example where the bias goes the other way,” Pesta said. “We have found many examples of this in Wisconsin.

“The entire premise is not about education. It’s about control. They want to be able to control kids through political messaging – extreme political messaging.”

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Root of Evil and Child Abuse - When Will Parents Wake UP?

TODAY'S NEWS.   I tried to warn people that the hierarchy of government education in this country is composed of  extremely evil individuals.    When God is removed from education and when government schools are given the right to teach whatever they deem appropriate, this will be the result.    When Secular Humanism is the religion of the educators, when there is no right and no wrong this will be the result.

 Power corrupts and unlimited power corrupts absolutely.   This movement pushes the extreme and "tolerance" is their buzzword for you accept the unacceptable.    Watch out for the "bully" curriculum.    Labeling bullies is just a way to force acceptance of deviant behavior.    

The 'PUSH' Is Now To Normalize Adult-Child Sexual Relationships...And Under Those President Obama Put In Leadership , This Shouldn't Be A Shock!

Others here have made statements like, "We have to take this country back"...But, in my opinion, in order to do that, we first have to take back our own personal responsibility, before we tackle what needs to be shut down, kicked out, put to death and made to pay, to the point of begging to want to get out, with no rights, no voice and will pay financially, physically, personally...the values that ONLY shame, restitution and discipline will do.
It's NOT pretty, what has to be done. It's NOT nice, clean and holding hands, that HAS to be done. It WILL make some run for their lives to get OUT of America...but what America has become, wasn't a nation that criminals were welcome with opened arms, in its conception.
It was a nation that was built, in its foundation, even before becoming a nation, under God's authority, even calling out, within the churches alone, the sinful nature that was accepted, taught and excused, by the ignorance, arrogance and lack of GOD TAUGHT, JESUS TAUGHT, APOSTLES TAUGHT that became acceptable...and from the inside out, took away EQUAL JUSTICE, and replaced it with 'pick and chose' justice of mans values.
How can I point out just how far we have fallen from truth and morality? Well, lets start with a pedophile that flaunts an organization that sees nothing wrong with men having sex with children...that is the definition of PEDOPHILE folks.
Who, in their right mind, would allow that value to lead the nation in running, and ruining even worse, the public school system?
We take a value of looks, over hearts, because our value looks at a cute boy and girl, and can't possibly see the evil within their smiles and good let me introduce you to just one of those values.
Once again, before I post the truth, GOD called for CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, not to punish the innocent, but to hold responsible the guilty, to keep His children, the ones NOT a part of murder, rape, molestation and pedophilia, ALL calling for DEATH, upon conviction....
...Now, take a look at what value this nation takes with PEDOPHILIA ALONE!

The homosexual Left’s new crusade: Normalizing adult-child sex

Mon Oct 14, 2013
So much for the left’s “consenting adults” rhetoric on sex. Forever the consummate conservationists, our self-described “progressive” friends at the ACLU, MSNBC and elsewhere have been ramping-up efforts to downsize from “consenting adults” to merely “consenting” – a far less cumbersome qualifier in the noble struggle for unrestrained sexual license.
Tolerating “intergenerational romance” for “minor-attracted” adults is all the rage these days.

Ever hear of Kaitlyn Hunt? Over the past year or so this poor, misunderstood lesbian woman’s “anti-gay persecution” has become a cause célèbre among “gay rights” activists and other left-wing purveyors of perversion.

Despite mass rallies and online petitions signed by hundreds-of-thousands of the uber-”tolerant,” the clearly “homophobic” Florida criminal justice system has, nonetheless, convicted Ms. Hunt of multiple felonies for sexually assaulting – repeatedly – a 14-year-old girl.


Oh, sure, her minor victim allegedly “consented” to what the “Free Kate” crowd has portrayed as a harmless tryst – but, of course, by law children below the age of consent cannot consent to sex with adults. Period.

Still, the “progressive” establishment evidently felt that, for whatever reason, this was their hill to die on – this was the case that might help them realize the historical “gay rights” goal of rolling-back most, if not all, age of consent laws – statutes designed to protect children from adult sexual predators like, well, Kate.

Veteran journalist Robert Stacy McCain has covered the Hunt case extensively. In a recent piece for the American Spectator headlined “Kaitlyn Hunt is guilty and, yes, there is a movement to ‘normalize pedophilia,’” McCain writes: “Kaitlyn Hunt is a criminal. We can state that as a Neutral Objective Fact, now that the 19-year-old former cheerleader has pleaded ‘no contest’ to multiple felonies related to her sexual affair with a minor. What remains is the question of what her plea in a Florida courtroom Thursday means for what Rush Limbaugh has called the movement to ‘normalize pedophilia.”‘

Here’s the answer: There is no question. There is categorically a movement to normalize pedophilia. I’ve witnessed it firsthand and, despite “progressive” protestations to the contrary, the “pedophile rights” movement is inexorably linked to the so-called “gay rights” movement.

Two years ago I – along with the venerable child advocate Dr. Judith Reisman – attended a Maryland conference hosted by the pedophile group B4U-ACT. Around 50 individuals were in attendance, including a number of admitted pedophiles (or “minor-attracted persons,” as they euphemistically prefer).

Also present were a few self-described “gay activists” and several supportive mental-health professionals. World renowned “sexologist” Dr. Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins University gave the keynote address, opening with: “I want to completely support the goal of B4U-ACT.”

Here are some highlights from the conference:
  • Pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized” by society.“We are not required to interfere with or inhibit our child’s sexuality.”“
  • Children are not inherently unable to consent” to sex with an adult.
  • An adult’s desire to have sex with children is “normative.”
  • “These things are not black and white; there are various shades of gray.”
  • A consensus belief by both speakers and pedophiles in attendance was that, because it vilifies MAPs, pedophilia should be removed as a mental disorder from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, in the same manner homosexuality was removed in 1973.
  • Dr. Fred Berlin acknowledged that it was political activism, similar to the incremental strategy witnessed at the conference, rather than a scientific calculus that successfully led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder: The reason “homosexuality was taken out of DSM is that people didn’t want the government in the bedroom,” he said.
  • The DSM ignores that pedophiles “have feelings of love and romance for children” in the same way adults love one another.
  • The DSM should “focus on the needs” of the pedophile, and should have “a minimal focus on social control,” rather than obsessing about the “need to protect children.”
  • Self-described “gay activist” and speaker Jacob Breslow said that children can properly be “the object of our attraction.” He further objectified children, suggesting that pedophiles needn’t gain consent from a child to have sex with “it” any more than we need consent from a shoe to wear it. He then used graphic, slang language to favorably describe the act of climaxing (ejaculating) “on or with” a child. No one in attendance objected to this explicit depiction of child sexual assault. There was even laughter.
You may think that such abject evil simply represents the fringe of today’s sexual “progressivism.” It doesn’t. It represents the honest.

Consider, for instance, that during Obama’s first term, the official website for the Department of Health and Human Services linked to “parenting tips” that referenced children as “sexual beings” and suggested that they should experiment with homosexuality and masturbation.

You may also recall that President Obama appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of the “Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network,” or GLSEN, to the post of “safe schools czar.” The position is now defunct, ostensibly due to national outrage over Jennings’ appointment.
In keeping with the thinly veiled goals of B4U-ACT, GLSEN seems to be “running interference” for pedophiles, having tacitly advocated adult-child sex through its “recommended reading list” for kids.

This of no surprise when you consider that one of Jennings’ ideological heroes was Harry Hay, the “founding father” of homosexual activism. “One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay,” he has said glowingly.

Was Harry Hay fringe? No, not among “gay” activists. He’s an icon. Again, he was just honest. In 1983, while addressing the pedophile North American Man/Boy Love Association, or NAM/BLA, Hay said the following:

“It seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAM/BLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”

If he were alive today, Harry Hay would likely have led the movement to “free Kate.”

And by “free Kate,” he would have meant – and they actually mean – “free us.”

And by “free us,” of course, what they really mean is “free children.”
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013


The early years of the NEA were controlled by a few godless elitists that felt that they knew what was conducive to establishing a society that they could mold for the benefit of all.    Of course, the higher echelon would not live under the same circumstances as the “worker bees.”

The paganism has reared its ugly head openly and blatantly in the past week.   I posted articles on “bestiality” and pedophilia that is now openly discussed in the school venue.   These topics are accepted by many of the people that run our nation.    Some very evil people are in high and powerful positions.   They believe that there is no right or wrong.  You get to choose no matter how old you are or how inexperienced and uninformed you are.

Let’s now continue the history of the NEA.   In 1857 the NEA set up its first organizational meeting.   In 1893 the president of a normal school in Winona, Minnesota, resigned that position and became the first paid secretary of the NEA.   At that time twelve states had representatives and these were usually the state superintendent of schools.

By 1918 the NEA had 10,000 members, but by 1922 the membership had reached 118,000.    The organization grew through the years so that by 1956 there were over 600,000 members.

There were many publishers, school suppliers, superintendents and principals that benefited from the NEA.   Classroom teachers did not see any benefits during those early years.

Soon, 1917, the leaders decided to move to a headquarters in Washington, D.C.  They decided to expand and create many departments that would address every conceivable interest in education.  The Department of Special Education, The Department of Normal Schools, The Department of School Superintendence,   The Department of Elementary Education, The Department of Kindergarten Instruction, Music, Technical Education etc.

They also created a “special” leadership council.  Some of these members were John Dewey, Nicholas Murray Butler, W. T. Harris, G. Stanley Hall, Josiah Royce, Charles W. Eliot, and James Earl Russell.  These leaders were setting the stage for education as we know it today.

These leaders believed that they could produce a perfect curriculum that would produce perfect people.   They believed in science, laboratories and Darwinism.   In the minds of these leaders, evolution was the panacea for all of the problems of humankind.  They believed that man had evolved from a common animal ancestry.     This belief was the break with Christianity that they were hoping to push in “their” new curriculum.

They linked Darwin’s theory that man evolved from apes with the dialectical materialism of the Marxists.  Thus, man’s physical evolution with his social evolution was now linked.   This evolution was then linked with the new science of psychiatry which was taking place in Germany. 

Horace Mann, Calvin Stowe and others flocked to Germany and brought back the Prussian system.   Michigan adopted the plan and it was headed at the University of Michigan.  In the late 1880’s over 2000 American teachers flocked to Germany and came back believing that Germany had the answers to American problems.

They and other leaders of the movement became intensely involved in psychology, especially child psychology.   Columbia University became a leader in that field.  The new study of psychology became the moving force in the way American children would be taught.   Many children became experimental “lab rats” for these movers and shakers of the NEA.   If you read lesson plans of how children are taught today you will understand some of the “phrases” that children repeat to you at home.  

****Dialectical Psychology for the Mentally Ill
This is the action of describing the facts, and not thinking about what’s “good” or “bad”, “fair”, or “unfair.” These are judgments because this is how you feel about the situation but isn’t a factual description. Being non-judgmental helps to get your point across in an effective manner without adding a judgment that someone else might disagree with.

This is used to focus on one thing. One-mindfully is helpful in keeping your mind from straying into emotion mind by a lack of focus.


This is simply doing what works. It is a very broad-ranged skill and can be applied to any other skill to aid in being successful with said skill. 
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Thursday, October 10, 2013


Just when you thought things were as bad as they could get, the immorality gets even worse.   I predicted the bestiality curriculum would follow the LGBT agenda.   Here it is:

Some parents upset about a school play in which students portray sexual acts with a goat

By Victor Skinner
CAREFREE, Ariz. – Some parents of students at Cactus Shadows High School are outraged over a play that has students acting out sexual encounters with a goat, and using vulgar sexual expressions.

Other parents of students in teacher Andrew Cupo’s advanced drama class believe the concerns are overblown, and resent parents who questioned their children about the sexually explicit play without their permission.
Parents attended the governing board meeting for the Cave Creek Unified School District Tuesday and shared about two hours of public comment on the play “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?” by Edward Albee, which revolves around a character who falls in love with a goat and has sex with it, reports.
The public discussion – in which three parents and two students spoke against the play, and about three dozen students and parents supported the material – came after a parent called governing board members to complain. Board President David Schaefer told the parent over the weekend to contact the school principal and teacher, according to the news site.

You may go to the  "EAG"  site to read the entire article.  How can parents support this trash?  Where do you find teachers that are willing to expose children to the worst of the worst?  The educational establishment is using our children to "fundamentally change our country."   The communists know that it not possible to take over a literate and Bible reading populace.   Part of changing a nation over to communism is to destroy the morals and take away their religion by making fun of and degrading religion.

Those in charge lost their moral compass a long time ago.   Yes, the leaders of the movement are zealots that have an agenda.  The sad part of the saga, to me, is that they are able to find high school graduates that go to the universities and allow themselves to be programmed to teach garbage that destroys the innocence of our children.   The trade-off is that they get a nice paycheck with very nice benefits.  

Do they sell their soul to the devil?   It certainly is satanic to be any part of this evil agenda.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Christian Beliefs Will Not Be Tolerated in Government Schools

My previous posts regarding the secular path that is demanded by the NEA and the rest of the education establishment is found in various news items daily.   The following article gives an example of how far the ACLU and other organizations will go toward their goal of a communist state.   Their religion is the religion of humanism.   There is no room for Christian beliefs with a Communist regime.   Indoctrination is the only way to change a nation from liberty to one of total government control.  

Read the Tenth Plank of the Communist Manifesto:

"Free education for all children in public schools.  Abolition of Children's factory labor in its present form.  Combination of education with industrial production.

Americans are being taxed to support what we call "public schools," but we are actually "government force-tax-funded schools. "   Even private schools are government regulated.  The purpose is to train the young to work for the communal debt system.  We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based "Education."  The names have changed through the years to No Child Left Behind and now Common Core.  The goals are always the same.  

The curriculum changes so that the people will be led to believe that the schools are improving.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The curriculum is a process of indoctrination and inculcated with the government propaganda, like "majority rules", and "pay your fare share".    Where are the words "fare share" in the Constitution, Bill of Rights or the Internal Revenue Cod?   NO WHERE is "fair share" even suggested.  The philosophical concept of "fair share" comes from the Communist maxim, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."    This concept is pure socialism.  

America was made the greatest society by its private initiative WORK ETHIC.   Teaching ourselves and others to "fish" to be self sufficient and produce plenty of EXTRA commodities to feed ourselves, and perhaps to sell to others, or given to the needy is what has made the most desirable and charitable nation on the planet.   Every person desired to provide for their family.   No one expected charity.   Now it has become a "right" to take the earnings from others and redistributed to those that are able, but who refuse to work.

The Christian Post reports that “a school district in Ohio has reached a settlement with the American Civil Liberties Union to keep a portrait of Jesus Christ off school property and pay a $95,000 fine.  Jackson City School District agreed to the settlement Friday in response to legal action being pushed by the ACLU and the Wisconsin-based group the Freedom From Religion Foundation.”

School districts and municipalities are reluctant to fight the ACLU because if they lose, they’ll have to pay the anti-Christian organization tens of thousands of dollars.  Some of the payouts are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  This is legal blackmail.

With tight budgets, tax payers don’t want to see their money being paid out in court costs. The ACLU raises millions of dollars each year.  Its yearly budget is around $100 million. The ACLU is in the extortion business with liberal courts in collusion:

“The ACLU has received court awarded fees from opponents, for example, the Georgia affiliate was awarded $150,000 in fees after suing a county demanding the removal of a Ten Commandments display from its courthouse; a second Ten Commandments case in the State, in a different county, led to a $74,462 judgment.  The State of Tennessee was required to pay $50,000, the State of Alabama $175,000, and the State of Kentucky $121,500, in similar Ten Commandments cases.”

It’s no wonder that Superintendent Phil Howard “agreed to the settlement due to the mounting costs of legally defending the portrait, according to The Associated Press.”

There is nothing unconstitutional about hanging an image of Jesus in a government school, especially when it was included as a “part of a ‘Hall of Honor’ display meant to commemorate famous historical figures.”

There is no violation of either the First Amendment, which prohibits Congress from establishing a religion (the state of Ohio is not Congress), or Ohio’s Constitution since its Preamble states the following: “We, the people of the State of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare, do establish this Constitution.”

How can the state of Ohio practice being “grateful to Almighty God” for its “freedom” and then be blackmailed to be denied one of its freedoms?

Then there’s the problem of the United States Constitution that acknowledges the historical significance of Jesus Christ by this phrase, “Done in the Year of our Lord . . . one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.”

What happens when students who study the Constitution at Jackson High School ask how removing a pictorial representation of Jesus Christ squares with a reference to him in the Constitution?

Consider this absurdity of this argument from the ACLU and The Freedom From Religion Foundation. Not only did the two organizations argue that the picture was “unconstitutional,” but they charged that “that students and visitors to the school ‘will continue to suffer permanent, severe and irreparable harm and injury.’”

These people are insane. Their atheism as driven them mad.
I don't understand why constitutionalists who believe in freedom still send their children to government schools.

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Can This Be the Law of the Land?

I urge my readers to get the book "From Crayons to Condoms."
The author discusses how parents have had to fight in court to have a say in the pornographic sex ed classes and assemblies that were held in their child's school as part of "health education."
Some parents are banned from seeing the materials that are being taught and opting out of these programs is a real fight.

"The Homosexual Classrooms Act contains a laundry list of anti-family provisions that will:

*** Require schools to teach appalling homosexual acts so "homosexual students" don’t feel "singled out" during already explicit sex-ed classes;

*** Spin impressionable students in a whirlwind of sexual confusion and misinformation, even peer pressure to "experiment" with the homosexual "lifestyle;"

*** Exempt homosexual students from punishment for propositioning, harassing, or even sexually assaulting their classmates, as part of their specially-protected right to "freedom of self-expression;"

*** Force private and even religious schools to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum and purge any reference to religion if a student claims it creates a "hostile learning environment" for homosexual students.

Kevin Jennings, Obama’s "Safe Schools Czar," has clearly stated that "every school, public, private or parochial has an obligation" to teach a pro-homosexual curriculum. Google his name and see who he is.

In fact, Jennings denounced school choice programs as "very dangerous" because they make it much harder to impose the Homosexual Agenda on our kids.

If they pass the deceptively named "Student Non-Discrimination Act," (H.R. 998 & S. 555) that’s exactly what they’ll do.

Better named the "Homosexual Classrooms Act," its chief advocate in Congress is Rep. Jared Polis, himself an open homosexual and radical activist.  Al Franken sponsored the bill in the Senate. 

Unfortunately, this agenda is nothing new.

In fact, other countries like Britain are already experimenting with this kind of legislation, such as mandating public schools inject pro-homosexual content into every aspect of education.

Word problems in math classes are now to include homosexual characters.  History classes will document the "civil rights" struggle against the "oppressive" pro-family establishment. Actually this agenda has been included in textbooks for years.

Some states have passed legislation that a student that believes him/herself to be the other gender, they must to be allowed to use the restrooms, gym, locker rooms etc. in the gender they believe themselves to be.   A man who said he was a woman, in his brain, was allowed access to the girls locker room and spread eagled himself nude on the floor.  Girls as young as six were exposed to this demonstration.
In California, lawmakers want to "require schools to portray lesbians, homosexuals, transsexuals ... as positive role models to children in all public schools."

Sexual deviants being held up as models of virtue?  All sex used to be considered private.  No more!

The sad truth is that the president can add one more Executive Order to the 1000 plus that has already executed and it will be the law of the land.  (FDR only had 11 EO's in 16 years.)

We are in a battle for America’s children.  We are in a battle for our country.

From Wikipedia:

The Student Non-Discrimination Act H.R. 998, S. 555) is proposed United States federal legislation that aims to protect LGBT students against bullying and discrimination in school. It is modeled after Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which addressed discrimination on the basis of sex.[1]
The legislation was first introduced in the 111th Congress (2010-2011) and it died in committee.[2]
On March 10, 2011, Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo) introduced the legislation in the House of Representatives and Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) introduced it in the Senate.[1] Its prospects for passage were uncertain. Polis hoped the bill could become part of the annual re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).[2] It has 99 co-sponsors in the House and 27 co-sponsors in the Senate.[1] Franken cited the 2010 suicide of Justin Aaberg, a 15-year-old Minnesota high school student, and appeared the same day at a press conference with Aalberg's mother, a critic of the record of the Minnesota Anoka-Hennepin Public School District on LGBT harassment.[3] The introduction of the legislation was part of a week of events that focused on the problem of bullying, including a White House conference on bullying prevention and the introduction of two related bills, the Safe Schools Improvement Act (SSIA) by Sens. Bob Casey (D-PA) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) and the Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.).[2]
The legislation provides a federal prohibition against discrimination against LGBT students in public schools. It forbids schools from discriminating based on sexual orientation and gender identity and prohibits them from ignoring harassing behavior.[1] The bill defines discrimination as "harassment, bullying, intimidation, and violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity."[2] Distinct from state legislation, the legislation can be enforced with the loss of federal funding.[2]
Franken co-authored an article in support of the legislation with Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign in October 2010[4] and produced a video in its support a year later.[5]

Neal McCluskey of the Cato Institute warned that "The definition of harassment could be so broadly interpreted that anybody who expressed a totally legitimate opinion about homosexual behavior could be made illegal. That's a violation of those kids who want to express opposition to LGBT opinions or behavior." Another opponent said it represented "the radical homosexual agenda" of Kevin Jennings, assistant deputy secretary for the Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools .[6] On March 8, 2012, the American Federation of Teachers, the Communications Workers of America, the American Counseling Association, the NAACP, the National Council of Jewish Women, and several dozen other groups supported the legislation in a letter to President Obama.[7]

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Friday, October 4, 2013


Just when you think it can't get any worse it does.   My previous post on statism, secularism and Hegelian beliefs in the NEA movement lays the foundation for the progress to the following state of affairs in government schools.     Also the NEA platform discusses these beliefs.

Today I received an article that is very disturbing.   I'm going to post it verbatim.

by Janna Brock

"Schools across America are gambling with the very souls of the children in their charge, deliberately polluting them.  

October has been declared "LGBT History Month,"  which is the ultimate oxymoron.  It's twisted perversion at its most harrowing.  There is no such thing as homosexual history.   Its beginnings go back to the Garden of Eden and the complete destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.   This whole "homosexual" history month" should be renamed "sin/abomination" history month.  But when 2 percent of the population claim "homosexuality" and hold the other 98 percent captive, this is the end result.

The homosexual movement is a complete farce.  It's pornographic, explicit, and reveling in debauchery.  President Obama took it upon himself to declare June as "LGBT History month," but the militants in the homosexual agenda declared October to be "LGBT history month."   Legislatures are mandating that this be taught in the schools.   California already took this step two years ago, but now it has spread across the nation.  

The Equality Forum is pushing the move.    And a pro-family group in California is screaming a warning that children will be exposed to homoerotic pornographic materials and erotic art images.  There is no way that this movement could produce anything short of dangerous sexual eroticism.  And one specific "homosexual" will be celebrated for each day.

"It is deeply disturbing that the organizers of LGBT History Month think our kids should be celebrating homoerotic authors and porn producers, "Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice System, said. 

It is more than disturbing when looking at the list of those the Equality Forum deems worthy of a celebration for "LGBT history month."   

One such person who will be "celebrated" on October 10th is "Patrick Califia."   Califia is a "writer, sex educator, activist, and therapist."   he is widely known as one of the people who helped propel BDSM to the forefront of sexuality.  He is also well know for advocating the rights of transgender people."  He was a woman before "transitioning" into a man.

Some of Califia's work includes Public Sex:  The Culture of Radical Sex, Macho Sluts:  Erotic Fiction, and also Speaking Sex to Power:  The Politics of Queer Sex.  His Wikipedia profile, which is as basic as it gets, describes "him" as "a writer of nonfiction essays about sexuality and of erotic fiction and poetry."

This is as pornographic as it gets, and this is the one person who will be profiled, and celebrated as an integral part of homosexual history.  Children will be able to access "his/her" works on and see the smut that is spouted as art and activism.

If Christians and conservatives aren't quaking in their boots now, it gets worse.   Also celebrated will be the late Axel Axgil,  a Danish homosexual advocate who was convicted of pornography charges for selling nude photographs of men.  And also Simon Nkoli, the late South African activist who was a huge promoter of homosexuality in South Africa and who was suspected of killing a man at a protest, only to have the charges dropped.   he also died of the AIDS virus in 1998.  The fact that he has streets named after him in Amsterdam and San Francisco is bone chilling, and also speaks of the level of the sinister agenda at play.

But these are just a few of the graphic artists and sexual predators that will be "honored" this month in schools.  "Besides the X-rated inclusions, this year's list continues a trend from previous years of including a drag queen,  current television personalities, foreign political figures, and activists."

This is full indoctrination of the highest order.   California set a precedent that has given rise to an onslaught of tyrannical gay agenda promotion.   The law, AB 1266, allows students to "specify" what gender they identify with, thus institutionalizing transgender rights above those of ordinary students.   This is sexual indoctrination and lawlessness.   In essence, it takes the power away from parents and family, and puts it into the hands of the student, with the ultimate authority resting with schools.  This is Nazism. 

This is what overturning DOMA and Prop 8 have reaped.  The Huff Post is taking LGBT History month to its usual extremes.  And it the article entitled "'GAYFACE," Ashley Kolodner Photo Series, Showcases Queer Identities  "Kolodner has this to say, "The what needs to be addressed" is really a million dollar question.  If I had to choose one thing, I'd say education all around.  First of all, education of straight folks who have no idea how to relate with non-heteronormative humans, or still think they're freaks or second-class citizens.  But also, education of queer spectrum humans who don't know how to fully realize themselves, feel confused, alone, unheard.   Sex and gender education for everyone and open discussion of a real spectrum."

God help us.  This is militancy at its worst.  And this is being thrown in the faces of students in public schools, and parents have little say in the matter.   The movement is steamrolling its ways through this culture of uneducated people, who haven't a clue about what they're really being taught.   In 2013, there is even an app Quist has been updated a keyword search feature to sort the 800 LGBTQ historical events in the app;s database.  Porn apps, and erotica.  This is the homosexual agenda of 2013 and it will kill us.

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Statism - Secularism - Hegelianism

To understand the domination of certain elitists in the early days of the NEA, one must understand the basis of their belief system.

These men were statists and secularists.   Statism (or collectivism) is a belief that the people in power know best how to rule the citizens.  They believe that “they” know what is best for the group.   They think that they have the right to force, coerce, enslave, rob, and even murder others.  The end justifies the means.   The ultimate result of all statist doctrines is the same; dictatorship and destruction.   The rest is only a matter of time.

Ayn Rand’s quote would be, “A statist system – whether of a communist, fascist, Nazi, socialist or “welfare” type – is based on the government’s unlimited power, which means: on the rule of brute force.   The differences among statist systems are only a matter of time and degree; the principle is the same.  Under statism, the government is not a policeman, but a legalized criminal that holds the power to use physical force in any manner and for any purpose it pleases against legally disarmed, defenseless victims.”

“Nothing can ever justify so monstrously evil a theory.  Nothing can justify the horror, the brutality, the plunder, the destruction, the starvation, the, the slave-labor camps, the torture chambers, and the wholesale slaughter of statist dictatorships."

A secularist does not believe in God or in any form of religion.   They make the rules as they deem necessary.   As you can judge for yourself, today's schools have implemented the total secular system of indoctrination.  

The Ten Commandments, Christmas, Easter, “In God We Trust” are all deemed illegal.   There is no right and no wrong.   The rules are those that the statists judge to be necessary or un-necessary, as the case may be.

Remember that the first schools in this nation were established for religious reasons.  Christians needed to read the Bible and so everyone needed to be taught how to read.   Most of the people had immigrated to America for religious reasons.  They wanted to be free to worship God as they pleased.

Most of the people were taught in small rural schools or at home.   Often a parent would teach her neighbor’s children along with their own.   

The secularists/statists were determined to destroy religion in this country.
Statism required that the parents give up their rights in favor of the “greater good” of the community or state.   The parents had to be convinced that by giving up their freedom it would be for the good of the community and for the country as a whole.

Add to statism and secularism the Hegelian philosophy.  The Hegelian’s believed that God and man were equal.    They deified man.  This is contrary to the founders who believed that we were given our rights from God.

In 1875, the president of the NEA, William Torrey Harris, declared himself to be a Hegelian.   He was appointed United States Commissioner of Education in 1889.   During his tenure kindergarten was introduced and the expansion of “public education” was believed to be the right of the state to compel children to submit to the State for the benefit of the State.

The NEA and the elitists who belonged to that organization, believed in the rigid Prussian system of education.  The Hegelian professors and scientists in the German universities prepared the way for the paganism that engulfed Germany.   Adolf Hitler, with his pagan symbolism, demented racism, and barbarism is believed to be the price of German statism.
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